Second year validated for the Zero Health initiative, which on Wednesday May 29, 2024 completed the 2023/2024 budget year in the village of Ekouk.




After a year rich in activity and innovation, the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative came to a close on Thursday May 16 in the premisses of the Daniel Akono Nko’o Presbyterian High School..



With just two weeks to go before the Health Zero initiative descends on Ekouk on May 29, 2024, it’s time for communication and awareness-raising. .



For its March outing, the Health Zero initiative is taking to the road to Nkoleteto on the edge of the Mengong county, on the border with the Sangmelima county.


The Bia so Mengong festival, now in its third year, is the main showcase for the town of Mengong and the dynamism of its people.

Although a private initiative, the festival is now a common asset for the people of Mengong, who are eager to get involved in its organization.



The third edition of the Bia so Mengong festival is fast approaching, and preparations are gathering pace.

As part of these preparations, Professor Steve Félix Belinga founder of The Belinga Foundation met with representatives of the various non-indigenous communities in the Mengong county.


The Health Zero Initiative was in Nyengue on Wednesday February 28 for its fifth raid of the 2023/2024 budget year. The raid was special for more than one reason.



On February 6, 2023, almost a year ago, the Health Zero initiative made its debut in Nyengue. It will return this Wednesday, February 28. To ensure that this return to its roots is a complete success, teams from The Belinga Foundation have been on the field since the beginning of the month.


This Saturday, February 10, 2024, the Evening in the village initiative was in Nguet. And to say the least, the show lived up to expectations.



The “Evening in the village” initiative carries on its journey, and will be in Nguet this Saturday, February 10.The trip takes in the villages of the Yembong clan in the Mvi’i Nord sector. The villages in question are Nguet, Ando’o, Ato’oveng 1 and 2, Mboabang 1 and 2.



The Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative is going to Ato’oveng this Wednesday, February 7, 2024, a special date.


This Wednesday, January 31, the Health Health Zero initiative carried out its first outing of the 2024 calendar year and the fourth of the 2023/2024 fiscal year in the Etondo village. And as usual, the populations responded massively.



On Thursday, January 25, the “Evening in the Village” initiative made a stopover in the village of Adjab Yevol.

The villages involved in the tour, the fifth of this fiscal year, were those belonging to the Yevol clan: Ke’eke, Nnemeyong I, Mboula, and Adjab.

12 days to the next field work of the ” Health Zero” initiative, teams are tirelessly working to ensure that this descent will be a complete success. This will take place on january 31st 2024 in Etondo village, alongside Doungou, Endam I and Emanevam.

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the Ekouk inclusive primary school hosted the fourth descent of the SiKOLO ANE MFI initiative for the account of the 2023-2024 school year.

138 pupils from three primary school (G.P.S Ekouk, G.P.S Nnemeyong I,G.P.S Nko’ovos) and two nursery schools (G.N.S Ekouk, G.N.S Nnemeyong I) which competed in traditional dances, arts , Bulu proverbs and riddles.

For its third outing, the caravan of the initiative Evenings in the village dropped its bags in Nnemeyong III this Thursday, January 11, 2024. We can say that the mobilization was strong and that the population of the villages of Nnemeyong III notably Mefiep and Enyeng came out at every stop of the caravan.

This Thursday, January 11, the “Village Evening” initiative will be in Nnemeyong III for its third descent of the 2023-2024 financial year, following the Education section’s descent on January 10, 2024. The Nnemeyong III area is mainly populated by the Esse clans of the FALE II paramount chiefdom, from the Enyeng and Mefiep villages.


The populations of Ebolebola village and surrounding villages (Mbondo and Ekouk) received as an end-of-year gift the teams of the Health Zero initiative caravan for the last outing of the calendar year 2023..

Preparatory activities for the third descent of the Health Zero initiative for this 2023/2024 Season, scheduled for Wednesday, December 27 have begun. The various teams set up by The Belinga Foundation are hard at work sorting out all the details to ensure that the descent is another success. 

It’s back to another year of care for the most vulnerable populations of the Mengong district. On October 31, the people of Mboabang II and surrounding villages will welcome the return of the Health Zero initiative.



An early start on Wednesday, a day packed with activities, including the marathon and the culinary arts competition, not forgetting the semi-finals and the Songo final.

It was just under 7 a.m. when the runners set off. Around a hundred runners in 3 categories – juniors, ladies and seniors – take part in the marathon under the close supervision of the Red Cross and the rest of the foundation’s teams. Marathon results are as follows.

A lighter schedule for the 11th day of the festival. On the soccer side, it’s a rest day before the start of the knockout matches.

During the day, only the fair continues to attract visitors, with a preference as always for the stand of Mr Mebenga Prosper, who has set up a still in the middle of the festival village, distilling odontol, a brandy obtained after distilling fermented palm wine. An hour spent there is enough time to take in the temperature of the festival. Over a glass of odontol or palm wine

This second Monday of the festival is marked by one of the flagship activities of this second edition of the festival. Professors François Bingono Bingono and Joseph Owona Ntsama assisted by Madame Messina épouse Takana, a dancer and choreographer lead a debate on the impact of heritage dances on Bulu culture .

The most talked-about part of the show was undoubtedly that of dancer Messina, woman, wife, mother of children and professional dancer, who shared her experience with the audience. Her talk showed that there are many career opportunities in dance for everyone, especially young girls.

What a Festival! Every day is packed with activity, and there’s plenty to do.

As soon as you’ve woken up and recovered from the excitement of Ebolebola, you’re back on deck.

As always, soccer gets the ball rolling as the exhibitors set up shop. And the day passes without a moment’s boredom. Whether in the stadium, where teams continue to battle for survival in the tournament, or in the exhibition village, the day passes unnoticed. And soon it’s dusk.

It’s hard not to hear about the songo on this day. Long before the start of the tournament, the players are shouting at each other, each promising to beat the others to a pulp, challenges and counter-challenges are often vociferous.

Such is the players’ agitation that Thierry Didier Kuicheu, a blogger who has come to cover the event and is unaccustomed to the habits and customs of songho, is concerned to see the players shouting at each other to the point of almost coming to blows. We’re forced to explain to him that, as with all Bulu games, this is first and foremost a demonstration of virility.

Once again, the Mengane traditional dance group from Mengong came out on top in the traditional dance competition, which was the highlight of Friday’s activities.

The day began with soccer, which was finally back in the spotlight. There were 4 matches on the program, with FC 2-0 de Mengong beating Génie FC d’Essessana 9-0, but the main attraction of the day was the traditional dance competition. On the exhibition side, the stands are as busy as ever, with the stand of young Mebenga Prosper, who has set up his distillery right in the middle of the festival village, attracting as many visitors as ever.

This second edition of the festival offers a multitude of activities for all tastes and audiences: while the exhibition continues and soccer has resumed, the day is marked by two masterclasses graciously offered to young people in the borough by The Belinga Foundation.

This second edition of the festival offers a multitude of activities for all tastes and audiences: while the exhibition continues and soccer has resumed, the day is marked by two masterclasses graciously offered to young people in the borough by The Belinga Foundation.

Another busy day for the Festival, which continues to innovate. Even if the general atmosphere remains one of contemplation after yesterday’s tragedy.

In memory of young Onguene Ongono Sylvers (19), who died tragically during a soccer match, the Mireille Gracia Belinga fraternity soccer tournament has been suspended for the day. So no soccer. The day begins with the first-ever live radio broadcast from Mengong.

Just as everything was going smoothly and the festival was gradually getting on with its routine, the bereavement struck, catching all the people of Mengong off guard as they celebrated their festival.

But the day had started so well! Exhibitors were as plentiful as ever in the fair village. Young girls aspiring to become Miss were registering for the latecomers. We were in the 5th and 6th matches of the day, when suddenly…after an aerial collision, young Onguene Ongono Sylvers, a player with Red Star de Nyengue, landed on his skull. The result was a fractured skull, leaving medical teams little time to come to his aid. Despite the swift response of the Red Cross and CMA teams, the 19-year-old succumbed a few minutes after his impact.

Unlike the previous edition, this 3rd day of the festival, which falls on a Monday, did not see a drop in attendance. Quite the contrary, in fact. The exhibitors are still there, and new ones are joining the old ones.

Today, it’s all about soccer. As on the previous day, 8 matches were scheduled on the two stadiums chosen to host the tournament games. Even the rain, a surprise guest in mid-July, which is normally the wintering season, failed to spoil the show. The day was marked by FC Mengong’s 2-0 victory over Renaissance de Ngomesane, 4 goals to 1.

A record-breaking day for traditional medicine at the sixth Health Zero Initiative event in the village of Ababita, on Wednesday June 28, 2023.

Up until now, it seemed as if, of the two modalities offered by the Health Zero initiative, modern medicine would always have to beat traditional medicine. Well, Ababita has set the record straight.

Day by day, the festival structures take shape, revealing a glimpse of the final tableau. On the logistics front, construction of the hangars, podium and stadium stand is well underway. As for the activities themselves, we now have the final version of the village evenings.

With Claye Atangana at the helm, construction of the hangars to house the 200 or so exhibitors expected this year is in the final stages. The same goes for the podium, which has been reconfigured to provide a little more space for the various artists. On the sporting side, the stadium grandstand, designed to accommodate a minimum of 250 VIPs, is more than 50% ready. It’s worth noting that the work is being carried out with the support of the various villages, which have sent teams of volunteers to take part in the work.

With 18 days to go to the start of the festival, preparations are well underway, from registering exhibitors, building the hangars and podium, preparing the opening parade and registering villages to host the “village evenings”.

In parallel with the preparation of the festival site, the team headed by Claye Atangana continues to register exhibitors. To date, 114 exhibitors have registered, already more than at the same time last year. As for site preparation, the acquisition of equipment has been finalized. Half of the raffia mats planned to cover the hangars are also available, and transport began this very morning.

A press conference marking the official launch of the 2nd edition of the Bia so Mengong Festival was held this Tuesday, June 20 in the banqueting hall of the Hotel Ndancy in Ebolowa.

The program included a presentation of the festival, the introduction of some of last year’s winners to the press, the announcement of prospects for this year’s edition, and a question-and-answer session designed to shed light on any grey areas surrounding the festival.
At 10 a.m. sharp, Dania Ebongue, the day’s master of ceremonies, kicked off the press conference, which lasted a good 3 hours.


New day, new winner. Today, we meet one of our borough’s hopefuls when it comes to promoting talent. Brenda Okomo, marathon champion of the 2022 edition of the Bia So Mengong Festival.

For a trial run, Brenda Okomo, a 21-year-old high-school senior, pulled off a masterstroke: unexpected winner of the women’s marathon in 2022, she experienced what she herself describes as an unforgettable event: “I was proud of myself, because it was my first time taking part in such an event.

With the second edition of the Bia So Mengong festival on the horizon, our editorial team went to meet last year’s winners. Where are they now? What impact has the festival had on their business? And what are their expectations and ambitions for this year’s festival?

First on our hitlist, the Mengan group from Mengong, winners of the traditional dance competition at the 2022 edition of the Bia So Mengong Festival. Its leader Bekale Zouam Martine Chimène answered our questions on behalf of the group. In her dance outfit (raffia loincloth and cowrie shell bracelets), she welcomes us with a broad smile. She is Bekale Zouam Chimène, vocal lead of the group “Mengan de Mengong”, winner of the traditional dance competition at the last edition of the Bia So Mengong festival.

With 45 days to go before the start of the festival, preparations are gathering pace, particularly in the communications and logistics sectors.

On the communications front, after the press kit and marketing folder, which began to be distributed at the beginning of May, the radio and TV spots were unveiled this week. Broadcasting on a network of community, regional and national radio stations and several TV channels has begun. The visuals for the billboards were also unveiled. Another part of the communication process is the distribution of letters and invitations to VIPs and potential partners. Teams from The Belinga Foundation are successfully distributing nearly 300 letters to VIPs throughout Cameroon.

The Health Zero Initiative continues to go from strength to strength, with 5 campaigns under its belt.

This time, it was the people of the Emanevam sector (including the villages of Emmanevam, Doungou, Etondo, Endam I, Endam II, Nkolebengue and Mvangue) who benefited from the care provided by the Health Zero Initiative teams. A total of 91 patients were treated, 76 with modern medicine and 15 with traditional medicine. This brings the total number of patients treated since the initiative began to over 500. A far from negligible figure in these areas, where until now, people have tended to resort to self-medication. It’s clear that The Belinga Foundation has found the right formula to bring patients and caregivers closer together.

After Douala and Yaoundé in Cameroon, this Friday, May 5, 2023 The Belinga Foundation went to meet potential partners and donors in Fort-Smith in the state of Arkansas in the United States

It was during a fair called Business Expo and Career Fair 2023, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Fort Smith and which included a hundred exhibitors handpicked.

Perfect symbiosis between the foundation and the Ministry of Social Affairs, mainly the delegate of the district of Mengong, for a useful day of the African child.

On the occasion of the 32nd International Day of the African Child, the district delegate of social affairs, Ms. Sarah NKoum, organized a series of activities in collaboration with The Belinga Foundation. On the program, an awareness campaign for high school and secondary schools students of the district on :

The Belinga Foundation’s teams are on the alert to provide Flavienne Eve’e Owono, aged 4, with adequate care as soon as possible. She has a tumor on her right buttock, the nature of which has yet to be determined.

This is currently one of the major projects of The Belinga Foundation in its social component. Flavienne Eve’e Owono, a 4 year old girl who has a tumor on her right buttock. According to her medical records and photos that were presented to the teams of The Belinga Foundation, she has been suffering from a tumor on her right buttock for over a year. Initial medical examinations refer to it as a “solid non-oozing mass” or “tumor mass” and emphasize the need for further medical examination.

A large crowd of people came to the Loum health center on Tuesday, April 25, where the Health Zero Initiative, now in its fourth day, made a stopover.

The Belinga Foundation’s low-cost health initiative is really becoming a major health event for the people of the Mengong district. From now on, wherever it goes, the populations flock massively. This was the case this Monday, April 25 in the health sector of Loum where the populations, as traditionally, benefited from a whole day of care. We can see that as he had announced, Mr. Ngono Thierry, head of the health area of Loum has really played his part to mobilize the maximum of patients.

For its last outing of the 2022/2023 school year, the education promotion initiative of The belinga Foundation, which dressed for the occasion in its finest attire, made a stopover in Ke’eke this Thursday, April 27, 2023.

11 schools (9 primary, 2 nursery), about twenty activities on the program and as many awards, about fifty teachers and supervisors, more than 500 students present, more than a thousand spectators for not far from 7 hours of a show rich in color and sound. Despite the somewhat gloomy weather, the village of Ke’eke in particular and the Essessana-Nnemeyong I education sector celebrated with pomp and circumstance education and gave a space of expression for our most talented children.

With 93 days to go before the opening ceremony, the preparations have just been accelerated with the unveiling of the different communication supports , other gadgets and the setting up of the different events to be organized.

The communication team led by Mr. Dania Ebongue has unveiled will what polo shirts, caps, key chains, trophies, sashes of the Misses and many other gadgets for this second edition; look like. The organization team also had the opportunity to have a first glimpse of the advertising spot for urban radios.

A few months before the opening of the second edition of the Bia So Mengong festival, all the teams of The Belinga Foundation are hard at work to ensure that festival-goers have an unforgettable time. Just like last year, the festival will be held from July 15 to 30, 2023 in the city of Mengong. The articulations will be almost the same with an exhibition fair, a soccer tournament, the mini-marathon, cultural games and other competitions. Nevertheless, for this year’s edition, many innovations are in sight, including the ascent of Mount Doume which is considered even if the final decision has not yet been taken; a conference debate led by Professor François Bingono Bingono. The theme of this conference will be: “IMPACT OF TRADITIONAL DANCES IN THE BULU CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS”.


Heading for Nyengue in the Loum health area of the fourth day of the reduced cost medical care initiative launched by The Belinga Foundation.   The decision will have been taken at the end of the technical meeting that traditionally marks the end of each day of campaigning.A decision that Mr Ella head of this health area will have greeted as a victory, promising to get to work now in order to make as many people as possible aware of this good news.

The populations of Mvi’i, Nguet, Nkan, three villages a little bit forgotten welcome with joy the arrival in their locality of the initiative of Health at reduced cost which came to light a glimmer of hope in a long night.

Lost in the middle of the equatorial forest somewhere on a bad road where the main means of locomotion is the motorcycle and served only by a nurse who resides in Ngoulessaman, the populations of the villages Mvi’i, Nguet and Nkan welcomed with relief the arrival of the caravan led by Joseph Mfou’ou Samba, head of the Health axis at The Belinga Foundation.

The Sikolo ane Mfi initiative is slowly and surely making its way, spreading the good gospel of the new approach to education that associates parents, teachers and administrators. But especially a new approach that wants to unearth talents and values from the lower cycles of education in order to ensure a better future for said talents,and so for the entire community, according to the multiplier effect philosophy.

This Wednesday, March 26, 2023, the low-cost health care campaign initiated by The Belinga Foundation will be on its third day. Launched at the beginning of the year in the midst of doubts and hesitation, the Health Zero initiative continues to move forward and after the populations of Nnemeyong I and Nnemeyong III, it is now the turn of the populations of the village of Mvi’i and the surrounding villages to benefit from the reduced cost health care offer.


  Admitted last Monday, March 6 at the Ebolowa reference hospital to undergo a reconstructive surgery funded by a donation campaign led by The Belinga Foundation, Junior Akoulou, 13 years old is doing like a charm. It is a great relief for all the team of The Belinga Foundation, the operation of young Junior, paralyzed of the right arm after being burned went well. The young boy, accompanied throughout the process by two members of the staff of the foundation, namely Mr. Joseph Mfou’ou Samba and Rostand Ntonga not to mention, returned to the family home the day after his operation.


Let’s finish our tour of the most valuable ladies the The Belinga Foundation’s universe with the one who, in more than one respect, is perhaps the most representative of the woman who has understood and identified all the stakes, For the vice founder of The Belinga Foundation, addressing her sisters of Mengong in particular and of Africa in general, “the future of Africa lies in the hands of rural women”

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WOMEN’S DAY SPECIAL EDITION : Solange Abossolo washed under the harness of Health

  If the  “Health Zero Initiative ” is today one of the flagship projects of The Belinga Foundation, it is also thanks to its unfailing partners, including Solange Abossolo, the owner of the Solobis clinic, an exceptional woman who deserves her place in our hitlist of the most valuable women of The Belinga Foundation.

Funded in March 2022 by The Belinga Foundation as part of its SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT grants, Kono Roselyne is undoubtedly an illustration of the multiplier effect vision carried by this organization. For most young girls, the mere idea of farming as a profession is off-putting,

Let’s continue our presentation of these female faces without whom the implementation of The Belinga Foundation might not be as successful by talking about Loique Nka Ebale, one of the 5 women on the staff of The Belinga Foundation and manager of the art exhibition that took place on July 24 in Mengong.

Focus on the district delegate of social affairs of Mengong, a lady who has distinguished herself by her unwavering support to the schooling of orphans, children living with disabilities and children of people living with disabilities. Quite unexpected to talk about a person…


                                    FEATURED ARTICLES THIS MONTH


Sikolo Ane Mfi Initiative, joy and strong emotions in Ngoulessaman.

It was a second memorable day for the education promotion initiative launched by The Belinga Foundation, which for this occasion made a stopover in Ngoulessaman.  


Health Zero Initiative, third round this March 29, 2023 in Mvi’i.

This Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the low-cost health care campaign initiated by The Belinga Foundation will be on its third day.

HEALTH Total success for the surgery of young Junior Akoulou. It is a great relief for all the team of The Belinga Foundation, the operation of young Junior, paralyzed of the right arm after being burned went well.