For its March outing, the Health Zero initiative is taking to the road to Nkoleteto on the edge of the Mengong county, on the border with the Sangmelima county.

Taking place on the last Wednesday of the month, i.e. March 27, as is tradition, the tour will cover the villages of Nkoleteto, Nnemeyong 3, Enyeng and Ababita, as well as villages that are not, strictly speaking, part of the Mengong couny, such as Bikobo Essaman in the Sangmelima county. It will be the eleventh of the initiative as a whole, and the sixth of this financial year. During these eleven visits, the initiative has provided care to over a thousand patients, using both traditional and modern medicine.

For the time being, preparations are underway. Volunteers from The Belinga Foundation are hard at work, canvassing door-to-door, putting up posters and reading announcements in churches and public meetings.
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