February 22 2025
The second edition of the JOURNEY TO AFRICA annual Gala will be held in Fort Smith Arkansas on february 22,2025
The 3rd edition of Bia so Mengong Festival
July 13-27
The third edition of the Bia so Mengong took place from july 13 to july 27.
The 3rd edition of Bia so Mengong Festival
July 13-27
The third edition of the Bia so Mengong took place from july 13 to july 27.
Evening in the Village 8
May 9
This Saturday, May 9, 2024, the Evening in the village initiative will ne in Mekamemvom for its 9th trip.
The 3rd edition of Bia so Mengong Festival
July 13-27
The third edition of the Bia so Mengong took place from july 13 to july 27.
The 3rd edition of Bia so Mengong Festival
July 13-27
The third edition of the Bia so Mengong took place from july 13 to july 27.
Evening in the Village 8
May 9
This Saturday, May 9, 2024, the Evening in the village initiative will ne in Mekamemvom for its 9th trip.
Health Zero #2 Day 7
April 29
The Health Zero Initiative is going to Ngomesan on tuesday April 29 for its seventh raid of the 2023/2024 budget year.
Journey to Africa inaugural Gala
April 6,
Scheduled for April 6 2024 in Fort-Smith, Arkansas the Inaugural “Journey To Africa” Gala, by The Belinga Foundation, aims to sponsor higher quality education for underprivileged children, and to provide low-cost health care for the young and old, in parts of rural Africa. Discover the beautiful African Culture like never before, via this themed event, while helping worthy causes.
Evening in the Village 4
This Saturday, March 9, 2024, the Evening in the village initiative was in Ababita. And to say the least, the show lived up to expectations.
Health Zero #2 Day 5
February 28
The Health Zero Initiative was in Nyengue on Wednesday February 28 for its fifth raid of the 2023/2024 budget year. The raid was special for more than one reason.
Village Evening Day 3
Februray 10
This Saturday, February 10, 2024, the Evening in the village initiative was in Nguet. And to say the least, the show lived up to expectations.
Sikolo Ane Mfi #2 Day 5
February 7
The Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative is going to Ato’oveng this Wednesday, February 7, 2024, a special date.
“Health Zero #2 Day4
January 31
See you in Etondo this January 31 for the 4th descent of the second season of the Health Zero initiative.
Village Evening Day 2
January 11
For it’s third outing the Village Evening is going to Nnemeyong III
“Sikolo Ane Mfi #2 Day4
January 10
This January 10, for its fourth outing of the 2023/2024 season,the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative will make a stopover in Ekouk.
health zero #2 Day 3
Décembre 27
For it’s third outing of this second campaign the Health Zero initiative was in Ebolebola village with 93 new patients treated wich bringé thé total number of people healed since the beginning of thé initiative to more than a thousand.
Sikolo Ane Mfi #2 Day 3
December 12
For it’s third outing of this second campaign the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative was in Nnemeyong III with numerous activities aiming at promoting éducation
Village evening Day 2
December 9
Massive success for the “Village evening” initiative in Mengong With a participation of close to a thousand people, with a plethora of long forgotten dishes and games
Village Evening Day 1
December 2nd
For its first ever outing village Evening took place in Nyengue. This first evening of this initiative which aims to promote culture brought together the populations of the Yekombo clan from the villages of Nyengue and Nkoleteto
“Health Zero #2 Day2
November 28
The Abiete village rolled out the red carpet for the entire Health Zero initiative team for a day of care with a total of 77 patients registered, namely 69 in modern medicine and 8 in traditional medicine.
Sikolo Ane Mfi #2 Day 2
November 10
For its second outing of this second season of its activities, the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative was in the city center of Mengong for a day of activity bringing together schools in the Essessana-Abiete sector. the activity was marked by a strong participation of students and teachers.
Health Zero #2 Day 1
October 31st
On October 31st the Health Zero initiative returns to Mboabang II with close to a hundred patient registered.
2nd edition of the” Bia so Mengong Festival”
July 15-30
Take note of the second edition of the Bia So Mengong Festival with many innovations and even more activities.
health zero Day 6
June 28
Health Zero campaign day in Ababita village with 69 new patients treated
May 25,
This time, it was the people of the Emanevam sector (including the villages of Emmanevam, Doungou, Etondo, Endam I, Endam II, Nkolebengue and Mvangue) who benefited from the care provided by the Health Zero Initiative teams.
Sikolo Ane Mfi Day 3
April 27
Ke’eke hosts the 3rd day of the education promotion initiative with about twenty participating schools.
Halth Zero Day campaign 4
April 25,
This Monday, April 25 in the health sector of Loum, the populations, as traditionally, benefited from a whole day of care. We can see that as he had announced, Mr. Ngono Thierry, head of the health area of Loum has really played his part to mobilize the maximum of patients. A total of 92 patient were treated
Halth Zero Day campaign 3
March 29,
This Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the low-cost health care campaign initiated by The Belinga Foundation was on its third day. And for this third day, The Belinga Foundation, as always, has put the small dishes in the big. For almost a month, a particular emphasis has been put on communication, sticking posters, door to door campaign, radio announcement and announcement in churches and chiefdoms, everything is done so that the good trend observed on the second day is confirmed.
Sikolo Ane Mfi Day 2
March 23,
It was a second memorable day for the education promotion initiative launched by The Belinga Foundation, which for this occasion made a stopover in Ngoulessaman. The Sikolo ane Mfi initiative is slowly and surely making its way, spreading the good gospel of the new approach to education that associates parents, teachers and administrators. But especially a new approach that wants to unearth talents and values from the lower cycles of education in order to ensure a better future for said talents,and so for the entire community, according to the multiplier effect philosophy.
Sikolo Ane Mfi Day 1
February 8,
First steps of the initiative to promote quality education through a better understanding between the different stakeholders of the education system this Wednesday, February 8 in Nyengue
Presentation of The Belinga Foundation in Douala and Yaoundé
February,6 & 8
The foundation, whose action was so far confined to the district of Mengong, now intends to take a national and even international scope. On this occasion, the foundation will expose its know-how and its results to the Ghota of the economic and political capitals of our country during a B2B meeting on February 6 and 8. Media men, diplomats, political personalities, government members, opinion leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations, it is not less than 250 handpicked people who will have the time of an evening an overview of the activities of the foundation.
Lauching of the Health Zero Initiative
January,23 2023
January 23, 2023 is a day to remember for The Belinga Foundation and especially for the people of the Mengong district. Until then a vision of the mind and a conjecture, the Health Zero Initiative, which consists in bringing medical care closer to the people at reduced prices, has become a reality. For this life-size test, it was the village of Nnemmeyong I that hosted the medical teams headed by The Belinga Foundation. 8 doctors and nurses, 4 traditional practitioners, assisted by volunteers and staff of the foundation, installed in the premises of the 3rd level chiefdom of Nnemeyong I, provided care for a whole day to the people of the Mvi’i South canton.
Donations to 42 schools in the district of Mengong
October,12 2022
42 schools (14 kindergartens, 21 elementary school, 7 high schools and colleges) of the district of Mengong received this Tuesday, October 11, donations of teaching materials during a ceremony held in the hall of the town hall of Mengong. With a total value of 20 million, the donation consists of no less than 25 computers, 02 LCD televisions, 6 clocks, desks, registers, is part of the first phase of donation campaigns in the education axis for the school year 2022-2023.
The Bia So Mengong Festival
From July 15 to July 30 2022
From 15 to 30 July 2022 was held in Mengong the first edition of the Festival Bia So Mengong, a unique meeting of its kind that will have put together for 16 days the artisans and cultural actors of the district of Mengong
Donations to 20 ICGs
March, 29
20 ICGs from 20 villages in the district received donations of agricultural inputs and cash worth nearly XAF 10 000 000. The ceremony, chaired by the sub-prefect of the Mengong district, was held in the hall of the Mengong town hall.