After a year rich in activity and innovation, the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative came to a close on Thursday May 16 in the premisses of the Daniel Akono Nko’o Presbyterian High School.

As in March, the visit involved students from secondary schools in the Mengong county. More specifically, it involved pupils from high schools and secondary schools located on the outskirts of the urban center, namely theMengong Government High School, the Mengong Government Bilingual secondary School, the Mengong Technical secondary School and the Daniel Akono Nko’o Presbyterian High School.

As always, the initiative was a resounding success, with over 2,000 pupils and some 50 teachers directly involved. It’s gratifying to note that with this move to secondary schools, the major innovation of this second season of the concept, the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative has seen a significant leap in terms of participation and mobilization.

In his closing speech, which can be likened to an assessment of the financial year, Mr. Evele Esso’one Alexis, county Inspector for Basic Education in Mengong, recalled the figures for the Sikolo Ane Mfi initiative : – 8 visits to all sectors of the district (6 to elementary school and 2 to secondary schools) ; – Over 8,000 participants, with record numbers for the two secondary school runs ; – Over 200 learners awarded prizes worth a total of nearly 2 million FCFA ; – More than 30 schools involved. Announcing the outlook, Mr Evele reminded the audience that the ambition is to involve all secondary schools from next year, as is already the case for primary schools.
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