New day, new winner. Today, we meet one of our borough’s hopefuls when it comes to promoting talent. Brenda Okomo, marathon champion of the 2022 edition of the Bia So Mengong Festival.
For a trial run, Brenda Okomo, a 21-year-old high-school senior, pulled off a masterstroke: unexpected winner of the women’s marathon in 2022, she experienced what she herself describes as an unforgettable event: “I was proud of myself, because it was my first time taking part in such an event.
For this year, she has clearly stated her ambition: to win the race once again, even if, paradoxically, she hopes to have better challengers: “I hope that this year’s opponents will be a little more competent. Not necessarily. No doubt a desire to rub shoulders with better opposition and raise her own level.
One thing’s for sure: the Mengong district has a real champion in its hands, with a winning mindset and a desire to improve, just waiting to be accompanied.
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