Health Zero Initiative: Raising awareness for Day 4.

With less than two weeks to go before the fourth round of The Belinga Foundation’s low-cost health care initiative, volunteers are working hard to ensure that this day, like the three previous ones, is a resounding success.

Yem, Loum, Nkolowon, Bahnhaupt, Ndeng no village is forgotten by the dynamic team headed by Mr. Abeng Emmanuel head of volunteers of The Belinga Foundation. It must be said that after 3 campaigns the mechanisms are oiled and the rituals known.
For his part, Mr. Ngono Thierry, the resident nurse of the area is also at the mill. As he already announced in Mvi’i when he chose his area to host this 4th raid, he launched a real door-to-door campaign to inform as many people as possible.

On the media side, CRTV reads the press release every morning in local language, and at 6:30 pm in French. The local radio NKOUL-AYONG also communicates, without forgetting the parish priest of Saint François de Mélane who has a press release that he reads in church every Sunday.


For a reminder, instead of Nyengue as initially planned, for the needs of a technical platform that could allow to perform certain operations; it is rather the Health Center of Melane that will host this 4th raid that everything already announces as grandiose.

To date, the Health Zero initiative has made three visits to the villages of Nnemeyong I, Nnemeyong III, Mvi’i and treated more than 225 patients with modern and traditional medicine. Above all, it is a team of more than 8 health practitioners divided between modern and traditional medicine who work in synergy to provide the population with low-cost health care almost at home.

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