“The Belinga Foundation” began 25 years ago, as an idea: Let’s Change The World. It changed over the course of twenty-some years to become the current concept: Rural Durable Development, via multiplying factors. The five pillars of its mission are: Art, Culture, Health, Education, Sustainable Development. Those are some of the most important substrates of any civilization.
Working with local partners, government and elected officials, traditional authorities is key to the success of our vision, because besides time, human effort and investment is the greatest multiplying factor.

What is our vision?
Via the “Bia So Mengong” festival, and sponsorship of other local cultural and arts events, the foundation helps local artists earn a living while showcasing their talents. Doing so will hopefully motivate the discovery of new or young talents that can be nurtured and trained. Even the locals can learn about themselves via artisan work. Art is the purest form of expression of a people’s culture, combining creativity, inspiration, imagination, and perhaps even dreams. It is an important component of the work that the foundation does at the local level.

Our local cultures have the depth and wealth of centuries, millenia of experience and life. Rediscovering the past, our history, our ancestors, our customs is the bread that feeds the soul, the pride of the future generations. We want to showcase that culture, to plant the seed for development, and betterment of ourselves. The Belinga Foundation sponsors the preservation of that culture, by its celebration.
We have taken an innovative approach to tackling health matters in the villages, by combining the strengths of Modern Medicine with those of Traditional (or Herbal) Medicine. With such partnerships, and by aiding basic healthcare infrastructure, we can aim for the lofty goal “Health Zero”, a type of ground-zero approach to healthcare, where the locals can get care with next to nothing (and even without money), and where chronic illnesses causing death are a thing of the past. With your help, it is possible.

“Raising a child to make a man or a woman” is a local saying. Hence, it is not surprising that education is a cornerstone of the activities of the foundation. We support local schools, from kindergarten to high schools, and even college students. Our goal is to promote excellence because today’s students will be tomorrow’s teachers. Generation after generation, we will certain have future leaders in our local community ranks.
The Belinga Foundation promotes Sustainable Development, through Agriculture and all economic activities, vertical and horizontal, tied to it. The potential is enormous, though the initial investment may be considerable. That’s why the idea of sustainable, durable, development is key. Time and Effort are our key multiplying factors.

What are our strenghts ?
The staff of the foundation is made up of young leaders, from the local areas where we have begun our work. They are hardworking, and have many a times, proven their worth in various associations, charitable organisations, but also in management. They also lead by example, and are very willing to teach others.

The workings of the foundation, via its mission, are such that The Belinga Foundation is close to the locals such as those of Mengong county (South Region, Cameroon) that has nearly 25,000 inhabitants spread across 50 villages. It takes the dedication and courage of our volunteers, to crisscross all those areas, despite obstacles and oftentimes difficult weather.