The 4th edition of Sikolo A Ne Nfi, the educative programme of The Belinga Foundation_ _the very first of this new year _ took place on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at the C.E.S Bilingue de Mengong ( a secondary school).

Four educational institutions were targeted to receive what has become the grand educational event of the county. These institutions included the Mengong High School, the Mengong Technical High School, the Daniel Akono Nko’o Protestant High, and the C.E.S Bilingue de Mengong.

The event featured educational games and challenges, largely won by the C.E.S Bilingue de Mengong. The students from this institution distinguished themselves in the “quizz, the competition for the best student among the four institutions, and the best teacher.It’s worth noting that the event was a huge success, thanks to the involvement and commitment of all the institutions, the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, the dedication of The Belinga Foundation staff, and the unwavering support of the inspector of basic education for the Mengong county.

The event came to a close in a convivial atmosphere, with The Belinga Foundation’s desire to provide access to quality education for rural students remaining at the heart of its mission.
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