Month: January 2024

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“Evening in the village,” Adjab Yevol: discovering the history of the Yevol clan.

“Evening in the village,” Adjab Yevol: discovering the history of the Yevol clan.

On Thursday, January 25, the “Evening in the Village” initiative made a stopover in the village of Adjab Yevol. The villages involved in the tour, the fifth of this fiscal year, were those belonging to the Yevol clan: Ke’eke, Nnemeyong I, Mboula, and Adjab. The evening’s program included patrimonial dances, tales, and proverbs, a presentation...

“Sikolo Ane Mfi celebrates excellence in Ekouk

“Sikolo Ane Mfi celebrates excellence in Ekouk

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, the Ekouk inclusive primary school hosted the fourth descent of the SiKOLO ANE MFI initiative for the account of the 2023-2024 school year. 138 pupils from three primary school (G.P.S Ekouk, G.P.S Nnemeyong I,G.P.S Nko’ovos) and two nursery schools (G.N.S Ekouk, G.N.S Nnemeyong I) which competed in traditional dances, arts...

Village Evening: on the road to Nnemeyong III.

Village Evening: on the road to Nnemeyong III.

This Thursday, January 11, the “Village Evening” initiative will be in Nnemeyong III for its third descent of the 2023-2024 financial year, following the Education section’s descent on January 10, 2024. The Nnemeyong III area is mainly populated by the Esse clans of the FALE II paramount chiefdom, from the Enyeng and Mefiep villages. With...